Why is the New iPad not fully charged until about 2 hours!!!

Reports have surfaced online that the new iPad carries on charging once it says it's fully juiced. So what's going on?

Well Ray Soneira from DisplayMate Technologies Corporation has looked into it. His findings say the new iPad isn't fully charged until two hours and 10 minutes after it says it is, ZDNet reports. So if you want to get the full nine or 10 hours out of it (depending on what you're using it for), you'd be advised to leave it charging that little bit extra.

According to Soneria, it's tricky for the charge indicator to work out how much more time it needs to be fully juiced up. He notes: "So there is something wrong with the battery charge mathematical model on the iPad. It should not say 100% until it stops recharging and goes from the full recharging rate of about 10 watts to a trickle charging rate of about 1 watt."

Two hours after saying it's fully charged, the iPad starts reducing the charging power. Ten minutes later, it drops to the 1 watt trickle charging rate.

Bit of an oversight, and not something I've noticed on any other Apple devices. Let's hope Apple fixes it soon in a software update though. The new iPad also reportedly had an overheating problem, though our US cousins took their model to the labs and didn't find much wrong with it. The highest temperature recorded was 36.7C -- hotter than Apple's claim of 35C, but still cooler than a lot of laptops. And nothing on the scale of antennagate that plagued the launch of the iPhone 4.

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