Why is Mozilla Now Entering the Smartphone Market & Launching Open App Store??

Get ready Mr.Apple, Mr.Android and Mr.Windows Phone – it looks like a New Challenger is about to enter the smartphone marketplace. Creators of the popular browser Firefox, Mozilla, who state that their “mission is to promote openness, innovation and opportunity on the web” is reportedly set to enter the mobile market, according to a story by Mecurynews.com.

The site reports that Mozilla is expected to announce plans for its very own app store, Mozilla Marketplace, today. The apps would work on all devices, which would mean that iPhone, Android and Windows Phone users will no longer be exclusively tied to their own app store.

On top of that, Mozilla reportedly have plans to develop a smartphone of its own, one that would not be exclusively set to any operating system and will have apps running in the browser. Mozilla’s vice president of products, Jay Sullivan is quoted as saying: “Instead of your choice for a particular (mobile) device narrowing your options, we’d like to see the user have control over their online life.”

This is an exciting prospect seeing another big internet name enter the mobile market. Considering the popularity of the browser, many of its fans could well opt for their Marketplace as well as their smartphone, adding diversity to a marketplace dominated by Apple and Android.
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