All you need to know about the new iPad mini and Shoud I or Shouldn"t I buy one ???

All you need to know about the ipad Mini. Should I or shouldn't I get one if i already have an iPhone + iPad.

The Apple iPad Mini would start at about £200-250 and equipped with 3G and 4G connectivity.
From about £200-250 for an 8GB version and from about (£400-550) for a 64GB version with WiFi and mobile connectivity.

The Mobile phone changing station in UK that keeps you and the public connected by giving you the ability to charge your smartphones on the-Go

With the same connector as the iPhone 5

Do I really need one and how would an iPad mini add value  if I already own an iPad and an iPhone, ??

The Answer should be at  the iPad mini launch. Speculation suggested that Apple would unveil the device at an event later in October but insider had confirmed that Apple would hold an iPad mini launch event on October 23rd, however, as the date drew closer and no invitations have yet been issued to Chargezone or any Big smartphone media companies

Chargezone is a public smartphone recharging unit with band focused advertising. Our goals are:

• To always keep the UK public connected on-the-Go and  never running out of battery.
•To further  improve your organisation's smartphone marketing strategy

Contact the Team: for Advertising or Press


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