Are These 16 Of The Most Intentionally Offensive Ads You will Ever See ??

Are These 16 Of The Most Intentionally Offensive Ads You will Ever See ??

Agencies, freelancers, and advertising students around the world are waiting to see whether they've won the U.K.-based Chip Shop Awards, honoring "creativity with no limits."
The awards go to ads that creative types wish they could run if only their clients would let them.
Finalists have been announced in categories ranging from "best use of bad taste" to "best politically incorrect," and as suspected, they are pretty shocking.

An offensive fake ad submitted by The CBK Group made headlines when it circulated in February, but it didn't make the final cut. (The ad for Sapporo read, "A beer so good it's hard to believe we made it with our eyes three-quarters closed.")
Judges include bigwigs from agencies including TBWA, GS&P, and Leo Burnett.

The Public Smartphone Charging Media  with Brand Focused Advertising


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